How to be consistently consistent

One of the biggest reasons for failure is lack of consistency. In this age of high performance, consistency is a must-have trait for success. While you may already know the amazing benefits of being consistent, in this article you will learn how to be consistently consistent. Here are some of the tried and tested methods that can make you consistently consistent. Read on and find out the things that can help you build the habit of consistency. I bet your life will change if you follow these methods. Don’t believe me? Give it a try.

  1. Don’t push yourself

Consistency is about doing something repeatedly in your life. It is about installing a habit and making it automated into your routine. Often people make the mistake of making multiple habit changes at once. This makes it difficult to handle things.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Take up one habit at a time and be consistent with it.
  • Do not work on multiple habits.
  • Be kind to yourself when you find yourself off track.
  1. Believe in yourself


Consistency is about having a strong mindset. To have a strong mindset, you need to have a very strong belief in yourself. Use positive affirmations and journalling to boost your self-belief.

  1. Make the most out of the day

Every day is a new opportunity to learn and grow. Make sure that you make the best use of this opportunity and do everything that will make the day count. Someone had rightly said that life is days in miniature. The way you live your days is the way you are going to live your life.

  1. Accept criticism

The way you deal with your critics is a really important aspect of your personality. Learn to accept criticism and grow out of it. When you accept the fact that you can become better, you will value criticism and consider yourself lucky to be criticized.

  1. Keep learning

Make a commitment to yourself that you will learn something new every day. Try to use this knowledge in your life somehow or other. Knowledge is truly a very powerful medium to transcend your life. From learning small things like the difference between buffalo and bison to learning how the world works, you can go on with your learning quest and never end it. Learning the difference between a buffalo and bison had helped me win a quiz competition. That is why I keep saying that you need to be consistent in learning something every day. Knowledge is never wasted.

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