10 fun things to do for the visually impaired

One of the things that  I had been pondering over for the last few days is the thought that what does a blind person do for fun. It all started after I watched the movie “Blind Date” starring Chris Pine. My thoughts led me to get in touch with a blind person to actually find out what blind people do for fun. I spend a whole day with Nicholas, the blind guy who agreed to meet me and this is what I got to know from him.

What do blind people do for fun?

1. Go on a “blind date”

This was the first thing that Nicholas told me. This was his idea of fun. Considering the fact that he had the looks for dating anyone in the world, it was not much of a surprise. The rest, as told to me by Nicholas, are just general things that other blind people do for fun. Here’s they are.

2. Play music

This is a great way to have fun when you are blind. There is nothing as soothing and comforting as music. Blind people love to listen and create music. They even dance to the beats of their favourite music.

3. Read books

One of the things that blind people really love to do is to read books. There are Braille books on almost every topic under the sun.

4. Record their thoughts

Just like normal people, blind people have the tendency to write down their thoughts. They use the Braille language to write down their thoughts. Some use online speech to text converter for recording their thoughts in digital format. Online speech to text converters use speech recognition technology to convert spoken words into typed text.

5. Listen to the radio

There are so many interesting programs on the radio that you can spend your whole day without getting bored. It is a source of ultimate fun for blind people.

6. Go on walks

Blind people love to be outside. There is a sense of freedom they get when walking on the street alone.

7. Play with a pet

Most blind people are compassionate towards animals. They love their pets, take care of them and play with them. In return, they get all the love they want from their pets.

8. Laugh out loud

Laughter is the medicine for the soul. Blind people know this very well. They never miss an opportunity to open up and laugh to their heart’s content.

9. Get drunk

While this one seems to be nothing extraordinary, this is really something that a visually impaired can enjoy doing.

10. Basking in the sun

Who doesn’t like to spend a warm spring morning soaking the warmth of the sun? Blind people are no exception to this.

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